How to make money with instagram
If you don’t know what instagram yet, go to the app store on your mobile and download the free app. It is addictive. Instagram has over 100 Million user and that is no surprise to me because it is super addictive. I love looking at pictures and I love taking pictures and applying the filters for my phone.
I am just throwing my little tricks and methods on how I started making money on instagram out there because anyone can do it and you don’t even need your own website to get started.
Let’s check out Instagram on Google Trends to see its popularity. Here is a screenshot:
As you can see, Instagram is getting more and more popular each day, even since Facebook bought it for $1 Billion Dollars in 2012. Now in 2013 it is still getting more and more new users each day. It is a very exciting time to tap into this little gem and earn some extra cash while doing something a little fun – taking great photos and posting them!
One day I thought, how can I make money from instagram? Well I won’t get into the whole process here because I this guy explains it better and he has a completely different method to how I started, it is much more fun and interesting than my method too:
Click Here to learn how to make $ with your actual photos!
I can’t believe I have been using instagram for over 2 years and I have been missing out on this opportunity. It is so easy. A 12 year old can do this. How to make money with instagram is more simple that you think. Keep reading for some tips on how I got started.
When/if I have kids, I am firstly getting them a blog, and secondly getting them an instagram account. I mean why not turn something you love into making some extra cash.
The course I recommend here DOES work and WILL make you money. Maybe not as much as a blog would but enough if you are a 19 year old kid and want to live on your own and drive your own car.
It is more of a hobby because you don’t need to spend that much time on it, yet it actually does make some money. They way it works is similar to earning commission from your blog however its tapping into a different market and it is super easy.
I will share with you something I FIRST did on my own to get started making money on instagram – before I read anyone course this is what I did. You can use my own method how I got started too but I really recommend this course because it’s awesome.
When I got started with my own method on how to make money with instagram, this is what I did: I got to mention that I actually have a few instagram accounts. One account that went popular really quick is what I call my shoutout account. I basically give instagram users a shoutout. It is really easy. Just screenshot their photo and repost with their account name in the comments with an @ infront like @username. They will thank you and other people will request one. You will get lots of followers this way.
In your profile, make sure to tell people what you want them to do. I tell them I give shoutouts for follows. So make sure they tag your name #yournamehere under the photo they want a shoutout for. So I give the shoutouts for them and also for photos I really like. Trust me, they will end up following you.
Another tip is make sure you tag your pictures with a lot of hashtags. This way people can find you when they search.
Side note: I use a free app called A+ Signature to watermark my own photos. The reason why I do this is because sometimes, people use your photos on other social media platforms and the credit to your photo can get lost in the process. So I tag it right inside the photo by adding my account name on my photo using that free A+ Signature app. Anyway..
On the main page of instagram, I click on the star logo, then scroll to the top, thats where the search is. I search for #shoutouts or #shoutout (whatever similar keywords) and I connect to people by commenting (Nice pic, If you want a shoutout follow me @yournamehere). Don’t make it spammy and make sure you change the comments so they are unique to the photos. There are actually “bots” that do this which I have tried.. This is easily outsourced too by the way which I explain in my emails when you sign up to get my free ebook & my email tips.
I also use fiverr.com to sell shoutouts. So once you get a lot of followers you can sell a shoutout for $5. It takes you all of about 30 seconds to do it. Screenshot their photo, and repost on instagram and add some hashtags. Very very easy.. I have made about $550 in one month doing this method working less than an hour a day, only a couple days a week. I would do this during breakfast and thats how I started to realise you can make money on instagram.
But anyway here is something else I recommend because it is even easier than my method: How to make money on instagram
Exclusive Bonus: Get My Video Training About The Most Consistent Strategy To Grow Your Digital Assets In 2022 (This is Tested & Proven By Myself & My 4,000+ Students Over The Last 9 Years)
Hey Anna! Just saw this post now.. I get everything you explained here, except how/where do you actually sell the shoutouts for 5$? Super interested, I wanna try it! 🙂