How to earn a real income from your blog
There is a difference between making $200 a month from your blog and making $100,000 a year from it! The answer lies in the knowledge you have and the actions you take. It all comes down to education and implementation basically. Let’s have a look at some things to do when it comes to making money on your blog.
1. Focus just on one super blog at a time
When I started with my blogs, (yes blogs..) I created many of them in all different niches because I wanted to make a lot of money. What happened? Well it just took longer for me to build them up and I was diluting my efforts between too many of them.
Also when you have 40 blogs that all get hacked, its not the easiest to bring them back to life, as opposed to just having one super blog. A super blog can contain all the subjects and categories you want instead of just one blog per topic (or niche as we call in in the online marketing world)
I eventually sold a few off and settled for $3,000 a month of passive income for nearly 2 years before I started working on them again. I left it like that, just earning passive income, not touching it at all, while I pursued other projects (since I had shiny object syndrome) and I eventually came back to it later and was able to earn a lot more than that now!
2. When you start your blog, look at it as a REAL business. Not as a side business.
When I started, I was just doing this on the side. I had my e-commerce business that was my money maker first. But I always loved blogging and loved the idea of having a blog just to write to express my feelings and share the knowlege. But the fact is, a blog is a lot more than just expressing myself. It should be looked at as a business.
A real business where you write down your expenses and income in a spreadsheet and calculate how much it is worth on a monthly basis. Yes. Monthly! This way you see how you are progressing and where you are going and if you are getting ahead, not moving at all or getting behind.
3. Don’t do everything yourself.
For me, and many bloggers I know, we start off doing everything ourselves. But let me get you in on a little secret. I really started to make my money when I hired someone to work FULL-TIME on my blogs. There is so much more to blogging than just writing. There is all the marketing and promotional side of it, there is SEO, commenting, social media, and soo much more! If we do everything ourselves we will not be able to get a head and make real money if we do everything by ourselves. Yes it is possible but it will take much much longer.
4. Get a coach.
A real blog in a real business needs a real coach. Educate yourself. Invest in yourself and in your business. Go ahead and learn what you need to learn. If you want to get on the road of success faster then it is better to learn really what is needed in terms of blogging for a living. A real living. Not some part-time side project. But for a real full time income blogging then grab a course and learn.
I have some experience with this considering I created over 40 blogs for myself and well as for many other clients. I created a class called Loving Not Working, I go over not only blogging but also other methods on how to make money, in detail.
If you are ready to earn $100,000 or more per year with blogging then I’ll teach you how it is done. That class also teaches e-commerce and affiliate marketing, SEO, PPC and many other digital marketing methods I use today to earn money online. I only open the class a few times a year so sign up to get some amazing free training.
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